Eichenberger Swiss Precision Ballscrews and Leadscrews

Moore International is the world’s largest stockist of Eichenberger Gewinde 
ballscrews and leadscrews outside of Switzerland.


Eichenberger Ballscrews

Eichenberger no-wear ballscrew drives, ideal for moving heavy loads with low energy consumption. Cold-formed screws that stand out for their robustness, precision, strength, efficiency and smooth running. This form allows for extreme pitches, giving unprecedented travel speeds.
The nuts are fitted with various ball returns, fully integrated into the nut body. The optimum system for your drive solution is selected on the basis of dimensions, temperature, travel speed, load and application range.
We offer off-the-shelf or bespoke custom nuts to suit any application.


Eichenberger Leadscrews

Whether it's speed, weight or cost efficiency, Eichenberger have leadcrews to fit the requirements that you are looking for .

SPEEDY. Eichenberger Speedy high-helix leadscrews give unprecedented high travel speeds from very low rotational speeds 

RONDO.  Eichenberger Rondo round-thread leadscrews give high levels of efficiency with extremely low noise levels. An ideal alternative to conventional trapezoidal leadscrews.


EASY. Eichenberger Easy, lightweight rolled aluminum leadscrews with a friction-resistant coating (hard anodised). Ideal for increased loads in challenging climatic conditions or difficult environments.


We offer off-the-shelf or bespoke custom nuts for all

Eichenberger leadscrews.


feel free to contact us for more information on Eichenberger leadscrews and ballscrews or to discuss manufacture of bespoke, custom leadscrews and ballscrews for your project or applications.





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